How to choose the RIGHT CAREER
Career choice should be based on detailed research and analysis methodologies...not a "hit and miss, give it a go" approach.
It is common for people from any background or age group to have little or no concept of what job or career pathways are suitable for them.
Career assessment is the key to achieving excellent career outcomes...
With thousands of positions available across multiple sectors, where do you start? How can you personally analyse this vast amount of data and decide on your perfect career match (you probably have more chance of winning Tattslotto)?
ACMA offers the solution, with its holistic Advanced Vocational Assessment program suitable for anyone aged 18 to 65.
From the comfort of your home or workplace, and under the care of your own personal career management consultant, you will be directly guided through a “blended learning process” consisting of online assessments and personalised advice and interpretation.
Good career choices are based on a combination of factors and relevant employment data. No use moving into a job in a declining sector.
Detailed analysis and collaboration with your consultant will clarify many issues and open the door to career opportunities and occupational awareness.
Ongoing discussions and examination of career options, plus two written reports are all part of the journey of discovery that your career consultant will guide you through.
The jobs and career opportunities are out there right NOW…it’s just that most people lack awareness of the “big wide world of work”.
What are the big five personality traits?
The easiest way to remember them is to use the acronym "OCEAN", says Nick Haslam, Professor of psychology at the University of Melbourne.
- Openness is the tendency to be open to new ideas, imaginative, curious and creative, Professor Haslam says. People who score high in openness are often interested in creative pursuits.
- Conscientiousness is about having attention to detail and a good work ethic, says Eliroma Gardiner, a personality researcher at Griffith University. People who score highly in conscientiousness tend to want to get things done on time, the proper way and tend to follow rules. If you prefer to disregard rules and do things your own way, you'd likely score lower here.
- Extraversion is the trait most associated with those who like to be the life of the party, those people who really enjoy socialising and spending time with others, Dr Gardiner says. If you'd prefer to snuggle up with a good book by yourself rather than head to the pub, you're likely to score lower on extraversion.
- Agreeableness, like extraversion, is about interpersonal style. People who score highly on agreeableness tend to be warm, trusting, kind and cooperative, Professor Haslam says. They tend to adjust to others, rather than forcing their own ways on them.
- Neuroticism is simply about how likely you are to feel negative emotions, like anxiety, sadness, anger, envy and jealousness. People who score highly on neuroticism tend to experience a lot of these negative emotions, while people who score lower tend to be more emotionally stable and calm.
The ACMA career assistance program is based on a detailed initial career assessment process, built around the seven steps you need to work through to find your next career move and some likely moves after that. But it offers more than that. If you apply the Seven Steps effectively you can design and create the life you want to live.
The Seven Steps incorporate the four foundation areas of traditional career development best practice, which are:
- Self-awareness - learning about yourself in relation to work
- Opportunity-awareness - learning about the world of work and your options
- Decision making - learning to make career decisions and goals
- Transition skills - implementing career decisions and managing work transitions.
Here is an overview of the Seven Steps:
Client - Career Consultant
What to expect when working with your ACMA career consultant!
Your consultant is committed to being trustworthy, respectful, friendly, down-to-earth, well prepared, and focused on your needs.
To get the very best result for yourself it is important to approach your career situation as a partnership between yourself and the consultant. The nature of this working alliance is highlighted in the table below.
Consultant's Role/Client's Role
- CONSULTANT: will create a safe, supportive, and enjoyable atmosphere
- CLIENT: should enjoy the process!
- CONSULTANT: will provide comprehensive career development and/or job search process
- CLIENT: should be committed to working through the process and take responsibility for your final choices
- CONSULTANT: will ask questions that stimulate self-awareness and listen carefully
- CLIENT: should reflect deeply before, during and after counselling or workshop sessions and say what you really think and feel
- CONSULTANT: will provide observations, ideas, strategies, and resources
- CLIENT: should do the personal work and set tasks before and after sessions and be ready to consider new ideas
- CONSULTANT: will provide appropriate career assessments and computer-based tools, and assist you in interpreting the results
- CLIENT: should thoughtfully explore new information - you are the final authority on yourself, not a test
Clients should be aware that it is normal for many people to try to avoid the anxiety of their responsibility for choosing their own career path. Some do this by letting parents, teachers, friends, or employers decide for them. The normal outcome of this career trap is a work-life that may suit these other people but not you.
It is important for you to listen and learn from others but to make your own career decisions in the end. Formal written career assessment tests are useful for increasing self-awareness and suggesting a list of possible options to consider but there is no test that can tell you exactly what you should do. There are too many factors that only you can identify and weigh up. This is now widely recognised by career consultants who are up-to-date in the field.
Hence, our aim is to help you find your own answers! The resources, individual counselling, and unique Seven Module program we utilise not only enable you to choose your next career step but also empower you to make better career decisions throughout your life. We would rather teach you to fish than just give you your fish for today.
We provide the resources, strategies and support to enable YOU to discover and create your ideal career-life! All based on your initial career assessment and related ACMA strategies, plus up to date employment market trends, research and analysis.
ACMA creates successful career paths through detailed individual assessment, research and job market analysis, combined with expert personalised coaching.
Note: A Career Development Association of Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job.
All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns or Auckland offices.
RING 1800 245 380 now to book a FREE consultation