Tony Crosby - International Career Coach, Strategist & Mentor

Adv. Dip. of Business Management
Adv. Dip. of Business (Human Resources)
Dip. of Career Guidance
Grad. Cert. of Career Guidance Management
Career coaching based on RESEARCH...not chance!

- Tony commenced his career in the career development profession after many years at CEO level (embracing financial services, technology, retailing, recruitment and business consulting).
- Associated Career Management Australia is focused on the delivery of quality products and services (throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia/Pacific regions) in the human resource management areas of career transition management and corporate outplacement.
- The underlying philosophy of ACMA is the personalised and targeted provision of services, plus the ongoing management and support to ensure the achievement of all desired outcomes.
- Tony is internationally recognised as one of Australia’s leading career management professionals and authors, having successfully assisted thousands of clients, lectured on career management techniques and appeared as an expert witness in career-related matters.
- Born in Melbourne, Tony is a self-educated person with a burning passion for personal development in all aspects of his and his clients’ lives.
- Tony is a Registered Professional Career Development Practitioner and a Fellow of the Career Development Association of Australia and is the first career development practitioner in Australia to have achieved international accreditation by the Institute of Career Certification International - “Career Management Fellow” status, plus a Certified Professional of the Australian Human Resources Institute.
- Internationally Tony has represented Australia at the ICCI as a Global Ambassador, and as a member of the Application Review Panel assessing other career professionals worldwide (2010, 2011 & 2012 listed in the Stanford Who’s Who for his global contribution to the career management/development & outplacement profession).
- Holds tertiary qualifications in business management, human resources, career guidance/management and career counselling that underpin his extensive understanding of commerce and the employment needs of business throughout Australia and the Asia/Pacific regions (both private enterprise and public sectors).
- Tony has a broad general knowledge of politics, economics, local and international affairs, management, technology, philosophy, neuroscience and the arts, as well as being an active sportsperson throughout his life.
- The opportunity to provide high-quality targeted vocational assistance and strategic career management advice for people (from any background or location) to achieve excellent career choices and outcomes is ACMA’s objective... “Vincit Qui Patitur”
Tony is highly skilled at building professional relationships that assist clients to achieve great career outcomes. As an experienced coach and business executive, he helps people from all backgrounds to learn, grow and improve their careers via self-discovery and self-empowerment, carefully supporting them through the often complex process of job search and career development.
Note: 1. A Frontiers in Psychology study found that higher job and life satisfaction was achieved by those who utilised a career coach.
2. A Career Development Association of Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job.
ACMA creates successful career paths through detailed individual assessment, research and job market analysis, combined with expert personalised coaching.
All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns, Darwin or Auckland offices.
Reasons you need a career coach
- In both the short and long term, you will have a happier and better-remunerated career
- You will gain career management knowledge that will have enduring value for the rest of your career
- Your relationships and teamwork will improve
- You will develop a more positive outlook on life
- ACMA has successfully assisted many people in all levels of the workforce…you will join them
- It doesn't take up a lot of time as ACMA programs are all self-paced
- Your coach will tell you what you NEED to hear
- Your coach will assist you in identifying and breaking bad habits that are holding you back
- Apart from your current situation, you will develop a long-term career vision and plan
- Your coach will become a trusted resource and mentor for the future
Tony's philosophy
The gaining of trust is elementary in any relationship. I truly believe this is fundamental to the management of personnel and the development of a loyal and recurrent client base. Trust is defined as a “belief in a person’s reliability, " which I view as the foundation of my business relationships over many years.
I am fortunate in that I can quickly develop empathy with others by listening, displaying interest and genuinely enjoying other people's opinions and aspirations.
The article by James Strong (Leading Initiative P91-92) mirrors my own experience in managing organisations, and surviving in the “hard cold business world”.
My personal qualities of gaining trust and respect helped me tangibly and measurably during an economic recession that swamped Victoria (where I was then based).
In twelve months 30% of our client base simply disappeared for a variety of economic factors and many local businesses ceased to exist, however, I was determined that my business would survive, so I set about planning in twelve-month time frames to rebuild the client base from outside my region, which was simply a “basket case”. In reflection, it was the defining moment in my management career.
All department managers and staff were kept informed of the situation and my plans, actively assisting in developing new skills and expertise in products and services previously unknown to them. I focused on industries in the Australian economy that were growing and regions that were also reflecting strength and resilience to the recession and then developed unique products and services that I marketed Australia-wide, ultimately becoming recognised as an expert in these fields.
The result was that by the end of two years, the business had replaced all lost income and even showed modest growth, with no retrenchments other than natural attrition etc... Whilst I am personally chuffed with this scenario, it was a team effort achieved through both self and collective discipline by all staff members.
Discipline and management style also underpin my management success, effectively delivering results that reflect business plan projections and financial budget constraints.
The “maintenance of the highest standards of self-discipline” explores the personal self-discipline of managers that can inspire others (not cut corners), and adhere to company procedures and protocols.
Furthermore, leaders displaying humility and moral courage make deliberate and calculated decisions allowing an organisation to progress as a cohesive unit with common goals, objectives and sense of purpose.
Moral courage stems from a cool, thinking approach that has enabled me to grow organisations (in both good and bad times), developing and mentoring staff, which ultimately reflects in high-quality customer service standards and loyalty that translates into a profitable and vibrant enterprise.
All these aforementioned skills and qualities are immediately transferable into personal relationships outside the working environment, enriching and encouraging family members to grow, enquire and aspire.
Career development is a service I deliver to clients daily, actively assisting them into the workforce (from multiple entry points), or improving and/or advancing their personal careers/situations.
The two underlying questions for any person entering the workforce are “What do you want? ” and “How will you know when you get it?”
People really do have their own solutions and it is my role as a career management consultant to guide, mentor and assist them in discovering themselves.
Richard Leider, a career counsellor for many years in the US breaks this process down into three “hungers”
- To connect deeply with the creative spirit of life
- To know and express your gifts and talents
- To know that our lives matter
As a professional career counsellor, I can assure you that most people have no concept of the above, let alone the analytical capacity to explore them without guidance, which obviously is my role.