Retraining / Upskilling Options

The rapid advance of AI means the world of work will be almost unrecognisable by 2030. To maintain your relevance to the workforce of tomorrow, everyone will need to regularly retrain and/or upskill. Workers now recognise that the game has changed and that flexibility and upskilling are now critical to remaining relevant in the post-COVID workforce.
Career advice based on RESEARCH...not chance!
Professional assistance to research and identify the correct retraining or upskilling options and career pathways is essential. Get it wrong and you may not have a job, career or income in the not too distant future.
ACMA's Advanced Vocational Assessment program is the ideal solution to managing your near term career needs and pathways by providing two detailed reports of actions and options available to you...don't wait until it is too late and opportunities have bypassed you.
Whilst there are many study options on the internet, how do you know what is the best or most relevant to your career future. Be wary of universities, TAFE's and RTO's selling certificate, diploma or degree courses. Unfortunately, many of these organisations are simply "fee driven" and in our experience will tell prospective students virtually anything to sign them up.
Many students have paid thousands of dollars to complete a course only to ultimately find that there are very limited job opportunities available...if any ("I wish I had known that four years ago" is their common lament).
ACMA's Module 1 Assessment process is very detailed and will take most people a week to complete (online). Nevertheless, once a client has completed these assessments, we then have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the person covering skills, competencies, education, experience, work history, strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, career goals, personal circumstances, personality and much more...
A client recently said, "You are so good at knowing a person".
Let an ACMA qualified career consultant personally assist you to make GOOD retraining decisions by:
- Identifying jobs of the future
- Looking at industry and regional trends
- Nominating suitable courses and relevant training
- Recommending realistic career options
Don't walk blindly into the it is YOUR FUTURE AT STAKE!
Note: Corporate options available
Get a better job faster with ACMA's career transition programs providing:
- A structured program and proven career coaching system involving a completely different approach to job search and career development based on research and analysis
- Help to get you totally clear on your career objective/pathway
- Thorough preparation for the career transition or job search
- Guidance (24/7) through proven job search methodologies/strategies including the latest Emotional Intelligence (EI), Rapid Pathway Molding (RPM), Narrative Therapy (NT), Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) & Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) techniques
- Profile differentiating your unique qualities and skills from others; with a complete portfolio of "self-marketing" techniques, tools and methods
- Evidence-based assistance to land you the RIGHT job sooner, with maximum remuneration
- Development of a long-term plan for ongoing career management including retraining and/or upskilling options
- Personalised support through the challenging or discouraging moments, including salary negotiation
- Coaching (24/7) through all stages such as networking, interviewing, negotiating, psychometric testing, finding hidden jobs and more...
- Highly effective tools and resources needed for career transition success (now and into the future), plus developing your all-important online digital and social media profiles
- Learn how to recession-proof your career for the long term
- Be personally case managed by Australia's leading career management consultants
ACMA creates successful career-paths through detailed individual assessment, research and job market analysis, combined with expert personalised coaching.
Note: A Career Development Association of Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job.
All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns, Darwin or Auckland offices.
RING 1800 245 380 now to book a FREE consultation