Career Guidance

Career Guidance

Professional career guidance ensures that the participant is 2.67 times more likely to secure a job. 


Career guidance based on RESEARCH...not chance!

The change in workplace practices, AI, employment conditions, technology and application protocols has moved so rapidly that colleagues and friends are simply not equipped to give real career guidance (irrespective of good intentions).  Meaningful career guidance can only be obtained from qualified and skilled career guidance professionals who have formal tertiary qualifications in career guidance management.

People are often influenced by their own experiences and background (subconsciously), and consequently, their advice will not be objective and at times can be detrimental to a persons career development.

Professional career guidance provides an objective assessment of a persons skills base and career options, resulting in researched and completely objective career guidance.  This process empowers people via various training programs, detailed assessments, plus a thorough understanding of employment application protocols and standards.

A professionally prepared career plan can actually lead a person to a high level of self-knowledge, as well as a good understanding of potential occupations and vocational options suited to their personal skills base and education. The formulation of career goals and objectives can often provide a person with a clear vision in which to direct their job search and ultimate career development.

The problem with either no career guidance or misinformed guidance is that people just drift through their working lives, unsatisfied and unfulfilled from both emotional and remuneration levels.   The common practice of only browsing online job sites and taking the first job that turns up can ultimately be disastrous.

Accordingly, professional career guidance and advice is superior to connections and friends because it is objective, informed and specifically tailored to the individual’s skills base, personality and overall aspirations.

Get a better job faster with ACMA's career guidance programs providing:

  • structured program and proven career guidance system involving a completely different approach to job search and career guidance based on research and analysis 
  • Help to get you totally clear on your career objective/pathway
  • Thorough preparation for the career transition or job search
  • Guidance (24/7) through proven job search methodologies/strategies including the latest Emotional Intelligence (EI), Rapid Pathway Molding (RPM), Narrative Therapy (NT), Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) & Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) techniques
  • Profile differentiating your unique qualities and skills from others; with a complete portfolio of "self-marketing" techniques, tools and methods
  • Evidence-based assistance to land you the RIGHT job sooner, with maximum remuneration
  • Development of a long-term plan for ongoing career management including retraining and/or upskilling options
  • Personalised support through the challenging or discouraging moments, including salary negotiation
  • Coaching (24/7) through all stages such as networking, interviewing, negotiating, psychometric testing, finding hidden jobs and more...
  • Highly effective career advice, tools and resources needed for career transition success (now and into the future), plus developing your all important online digital and social media profiles
  • Learn how to recession-proof your career for the long term

Effective career guidance stems from a well-designed, well planned, well organised, and well-executed process. Much like any business process, there are many pieces to the puzzle. It all begins with having the right resources in place and the right career guidance on how to use them.

We will lead you through a highly-organised process that is custom-designed and tailored to meet your specific career needs and objectives.

Be personally case managed by Australia's leading career guidance consultants!


ACMA creates successful professional career paths through detailed individual assessment, research and job market analysis, combined with expert personalised coaching.

All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns, Darwin or Auckland offices.



RING 1800 245 380 now to book a FREE consultation

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