Career Confusion...FIXED

In today’s post-COVID19 and AI workforce, threats and opportunities can be very confusing in a time of rapid change. Don't let your career "WITHER ON THE VINE."
Career advice based on RESEARCH...not chance!
“Career Confusion” afflicts all sectors of the workforce and all levels of participation. The most common statements career consultants hear today is, “I don’t know what to do next! I am unhappy with my current job! What can I do to change my career? Can someone help me to understand myself and my skills?” All this equates to a significant section of the workforce who are underperforming or do not understand how to maximise their career opportunities.
Round pegs in square holes is a well-known expression summarising the career confusion epidemic that has no regard for educational, social or professional status and, more importantly to the Australian economy, remains unmeasured and ignored by educators, governments and peak employer bodies.
The ways that industry and commerce deliver goods and services are no longer based on location. People can now live, work, educate, and purchase from wherever they want to live!
Career confusion can affect any age group. Many people have no real career direction, and they are unsatisfied workers who will never reach their full emotional or financial potential.
ACMA career consultants are an important link between people, their careers, and a productive workforce. It is extremely satisfying for a career consultant to work with a client through many twists and turns and ultimately witness them become aware of who they are, what they can offer, and the exciting career opportunities that abound in this difficult employment market.
To assist clients suffering from career confusion, ACMA uses a range of assessments and interviews to identify each person’s unique qualities and needs. A broad range of assessments gives the best results, enabling the clients to understand themselves in a way they have probably never been aware of.
Detailed research and analysis to create clear career pathways is an essential starting point.
These techniques apply to all types of people from any level, age group or workplace background.
Many people suffering from career confusion have qualifications or experience in jobs in a contracting sector of the economy or have selected a position that is totally unsuitable for their personality. In career management, it is important to only point clients in a direction that offers growth and opportunity and matches their personal values.
The employment market has become highly competitive and sophisticated. Inadequate preparation results in lost opportunities, frustration, and rejection. People often settle for less, resulting in a loss in income, job satisfaction, and career path.
ACMA creates successful career paths through detailed individual assessment, research, job market analysis, and expert personalised coaching.
Note: A Career Development Association of Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance was provided, the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job.
All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns, Darwin or Auckland offices.