New career ideas in an AI world

It is a never-ending human trait to want to know the future, with many people searching for NEW CAREER IDEAS.
We have very little control over most aspects of our lives, which often causes anxiety and apprehension. However, our career is one aspect where we can take positive action today to ensure that good things happen tomorrow (or at least have a high chance of occurring).
Gaining new career ideas in the rapidly evolving AI world is one of the few areas of life where a person can initiate actions, take control, and enjoy the good career outcomes of this fundamentally important part of a person's existence, now and into the future.
Nothing is guaranteed in life, but with professional assessment and help, plus research and planning, most people can build a solid foundation for implementing new career ideas and consequent personal fulfilment.
So how can new career ideas lead to a career change or career growth? In reality, it can be yours anytime you decide to take the necessary steps to consolidate and grow your career. This applies equally to senior management and factory floor personnel across all industry sectors, occupations and regions…in other words; it applies to you.
Clearly, knowing where you want your career to go is the first step in what is often a complex but rewarding personal journey.
ACMA has assisted thousands of people in acting on their new career ideas. There are predictable milestones, initiatives, and indicators applicable to all people irrespective of background, etc. All that is needed is personal motivation to maximise your career opportunities…it all starts and finishes with you.
Let me set out a case study that illustrates a typical career discovery pathway:
"Bob was a 35-year-old sales representative at an import/export company, and he was becoming frustrated at his lack of understanding of his next career move.
After an intensive assessment, it was discovered that he would really like the company manager's job but had no idea how to get there. I got Bob to investigate the manager's career path over the last twenty years and to develop a chart showing the manager's progress to his current position.
Bob found out that the manager had worked in all aspects of the business, and in his late 30's, had completed a Bachelor of Business degree (part-time) and then succeeded the previous manager almost ten years ago.
So, I said to Bob that if your career progress mimicked your manager, then this should be a pretty good guide on how to fulfil your ambition."
Bingo!… NEW CAREER IDEAS converted to reality.
Having a plan and a vision is essential and open to anybody. Being clear about your goals and how to achieve them should be the guiding principle for all career-focused people.
There is underlying predictability about any career pathway, and it is one of the few areas of life that can be traced and replicated.
Copious research supports the above proposition that reaching and acting on new career ideas is essential for career development and readily available to all motivated workforce participants.
New career ideas by themselves will not advance your career; however, it is the first stepping stone in the right direction.
ACMA creates successful career paths through detailed individual assessment, research and job market analysis, combined with expert personalised coaching.
Note: A Career Development Association of Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job.
All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns, Darwin or Auckland offices.
RING 1800 245 380 now to book a FREE consultation