Prepare your staff for the future...before it's too late!

Prepare your staff for the future...before it's too late!

In order to retain and develop your talent to cope with the coming post COVID19 changes a staff career development program is essential.

Since 1991 ACMA has assisted numerous organisations (small, large, listed and unlisted) to implement targeted career development programs that are designed to engage, inform and assist employees to manage their careers.  ACMA programs are tailored to both the organisation’s objectives and the individual’s aspirations, marrying them into a satisfied and focused employee equipped with the knowledge and tools to actively contribute to the corporate and common good.

Career development is vital for people to understand their potential value to the organisation and/or industry sector.  Building 3, 5 and 10-year career plans develop a vision that enables career pathways to be built and provide for better workforce resource planning.  Individual employees and human resource managers can then plan for additional training or qualifications needed to fulfil these career plans, and therefore ensure an ongoing supply of skilled people ready to be utilised as needed.

It is not all about hard skills.  The current team-based workplace thrives on employees with good soft skills and this applies to all levels of personnel.  In this 21st century, people, in general, are better educated, more complex and demand a sophisticated level of interaction with peers, managers and customers.

ACMA career development programs address both hard and soft skills, with EI (Emotional Intelligence) being a critical component.  A highly skilled employee (any level) with poor EI can be a disaster in a team environment, which is manifest in recent cases of bullying, stress and other ailments that afflict the current workplace.

The good news is that EI skills can be learned.  Once identified as an area of concern in the initial assessment process (or perhaps noted by a concerned HR manager) strategies can be designed to address an employee’s emotional intelligence and general interaction within the workplace, often with overflow benefits into the person’s personal relationships.

ACMA career development programs are holistic in assisting the total person, not simply improving a set of skills.  This not only assists the individual but also the organisation can avoid workplace problems that can adversely affect productivity and at worst result in litigation etc.

Using intensive career management techniques people learn to understand themselves, their skills, personality and potential…more importantly, they develop an understanding of their value to the company, organisation and sector.

People actually want to contribute and perform well in their jobs.  The confusion occurs when they lack an understanding of the prospects with their employer and have little or no concept of their career pathway in the foreseeable future.

ACMA career development programs will give employees the vision and competencies to grow professionally and personally.  The ACMA career management consultant becomes a mentor to ensure that the corporate goals of the program are achieved within the context of facilitating both career and personal growth of all participating employees.

Empowered employees are productive employees!

A recent report from Deloitte clearly states "focusing on career management will give your company endurance and agility."

"I think everyone should experience defeat at least once during their career.  You learn a lot from it." - Lou Holts


ACMA creates successful career paths through detailed individual assessment, research and job market analysis, combined with expert personalised coaching.

Note: Career Development Association of  Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job. 

All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns or Auckland offices.



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