Wage negotiation tips

Wage negotiation tips

What do other people know about wage negotiation that I don’t?

Simply stated when you are negotiating your next wage you need to be informed, strategic and competent in wage negotiation techniques.

Many employers and recruiters play on people's lack of knowledge to ensure that they pay the least for your valuable service...don't let this happen to you!

Obtaining the best possible wage level often depends more on attitude and negotiation prowess rather than your professional skills and expertise.

Our wage negotiation program is designed to ensure that you achieve the best possible remuneration outcomes (whether you are a C Level executive or simply a rising star).

Your wage negotiation is a journey.  With our online systems, 24-hour unconditional hotline support and the help of our consultants we will ensure that all efforts are targeted at obtaining the best results for you...coaching you throughout the process.

Become skilled to concisely present your case and conduct wage negotiations effectively without compromising your overall position...effective negotiation requires knowledge, tactics and vision...negotiating is tough and often unpleasant work but necessary if you want to be paid fairly, get a raise or that next promotion.

  1. Assistance from a qualified career management consultant to provide tangible solutions and specific techniques to maximise your short and long term wage levels.
  2. Intensive personal and online support, plus researched assistance at all stages of your wage negotiations to ensure the classic "win-win" solution that leaves everyone feeling they have accomplished something positive.
  3. Final contract perusal and recommendations.  Nobody should enter any contract without knowing exactly the implications...unfortunately many people simply sign employment contracts because they are so complex and detailed, and feel pressured to quickly finalise the documents to "get on with the job" while endeavouring to keep everyone happy.
  4. 24/7 (toll-free 1800 CVITAE) telephone hotline support service.  This is probably the major resource of our program having an objective/skilled person available to speak to and advise you during those critical, tense and highly emotional negotiation moments.
  5. Learn life-long wage negotiation skills to ensure the maximisation of future wage increases.  In most cases, the benefits of our program will endure for many years to come.
  6. Defining your professional worth in the job market NOW means setting the standard for all future wage negotiations over the next 5 to 10 years (and beyond).
  7. Accept the fact that you don't get the wage level you deserve; you get the wage you negotiate!


Note: Career Development Association of  Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job. 

All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns or Auckland offices.



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