Migrant job candidates are often disadvantaged

Migrant job candidates are often disadvantaged!
The above statement may not be news to many, however, it does have profound implications for the Australian economy and social fabric.
Here is a list of some issues that can negatively impact newly arrived migrants:
- Poor English language skills
- Lack of personal connections and networks in Australia
- Social confusion and inability to quickly adapt to local social norms
- No understanding of Australian employment application protocols and processes
- Reticence to actively “sell” their skills, achievements and value
- Blindly expecting to achieve in Australia simply because they have previously been successful in their own country
This list is not exhaustive, however, it does point out some major barriers and given the high unemployment rate amongst many migrant populations this is an important conversation.
In many instances, barriers exist through no fault of migrants, such as:
- Definite reluctance by some employers and recruiters to appoint and train migrants
- The overemphasis in today’s workplace on team skills and emotional intelligence can automatically exclude people attempting to assimilate into the Australian workforce
- Often migrants have been sold the line that many jobs are available in their sector in Australia
- Oversupply of graduates being “pumped out” of the tertiary education sector throughout Australia
Migrants are advised to review their aspirations and look at sectors in the workforce that have growth and high labour demands. With the Australian economy transitioning from the mining boom and manufacturing decline it is not easy to “pick winners” without local knowledge and professional assistance.
Over the last seventy-five year’s migrants settling in Australia have shown both resilience and an entrepreneurial flair, which today’s newcomers should carefully consider…history is a great teacher.
Self-employment is often ignored by both local residents and migrants; however, it can be a valid choice for the right people. It is sometimes said that self-employment is not a real job as it is “just buying a job”. Small to medium-sized businesses are the largest employers in Australia and are also the engine room of the economy.
Settling into a new country, culture, laws and social structures is a tough journey, but there is no other choice if migrants want to build a new life and career.
"A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory." - Arthur Golden
ACMA creates successful career paths through detailed individual assessment, research and job market analysis, combined with expert personalised coaching.
Note: A Career Development Association of Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job.
All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns or Auckland offices.