Navigate your career...don't let it founder!

Do you have a career plan?
Do you have a vision of where you want your career to be in five to ten years?
Do you have a career goal?
All of the above questions are critical in navigating your career journey and achieving your personal life ambitions. Careers are not separate from your life goals…both are deeply entwined and interrelated.
History is a great teacher, so I invite you to consider the life and achievements of that great explorer Matthew Flinders who single-handedly was the first person to circumnavigate Australia. It is an epic story that I encourage people to read as there is so much we can learn from this intrepid explorer.
That’s right, he sailed a boat by himself around Australia drawing detailed maps of the coastline, including reefs and other perils for future seafaring voyages. His charts still form the basis for most navigation around the Australian seaboard almost 200 years later.
So how does this relate to your life journey and career pathway in particular:
- He had a goal to prove that Australia was an island continent
- He carefully packed provisions and the appropriate equipment for his journey into the unknown
- He was committed to documenting every stage of his journey and drawing detailed maps of the coastline for the benefit of future travellers
In other words, his personal goal was to be achieved by building a positive resource for others (career and personal goals complementing each other).
Matthew Flinders loved his work and when he finally returned to England many years later became a prolific author on the Australian continent, its geography, flora and fauna.
This was no haphazard outcome! He continually did things and took action to make his career and life an exciting and positive legacy to society.
Taking action is fundamental to every person’s career and with action comes risk. Plans and good preparation mitigate risk and actively assist in achieving our goals.
Nevertheless, the major risk of doing nothing is mediocracy, career stagnation and a life of underachievement.
Be bold, plan, initiate action!
Accept the fact that life can be influenced by random events, so be flexible with your plan, but never lose sight of your goals.
Develop a mentor as your lighthouse, navigate the reefs carefully but determinedly, and most importantly help others on your journey.
"Every time you worry that you could get trapped in some kind of work you don't care about, you are dealing with the problem of meaningfulness. I guarantee that in the back of your mind is the thought that somehow you have to make a contribution to something, be acknowledged, do something that matters - or you're just fooling around." - Barbara Sher
ACMA creates successful career paths through detailed individual assessment, research and job market analysis, combined with expert personalised coaching.
Note: A Career Development Association of Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job.
All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns or Auckland offices.